Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Comment Wall

Feel free to contact me anytime.

My current wallpaper, courtesy of Glennz Tees
I chose to include this music video because it is one of my favorite eighties songs, and everybody should listen to it at least once.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That place is really good! You should try their breakfast tacos sometime. Also Texas Honey Ham has some pretty solid coffee.

  3. Hi Andrew!
    I love 80's music! This is by far one of the best songs of the 80's. Tears for Fears is a really fun band. The hair is fun to look at! I am glad you posted it and are actively urging our peers to listen to it!!! What a fun assignment! I hope you are having a great semester and a great spring break!

  4. I've heard this song a few times, but I never knew the name of it. It's such a catchy song that can really stick with you throughout the day. I hope I can eventually get this song out of my head! Anyways, this was a great song choice and at least I know the name of it now, so thanks for that.

  5. Andrew, I am also a fan of this era's music. I did not at first recognize the song by the title because I'm terrible at remembering those. But once I started listening I found myself knowing all the words. I look forward to more of your posts. Thanks for sharing. -Tyler

  6. Hey Andrew,
    I really enjoyed watching and listening the music you posted on your comment wall. Personally, I enjoy 80’s music overall. I have listened to this nice music before. It was nice that you posted it and I got a chance to refresh this after a long time. Nice music and thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Andrew,
    That music video got me right in the feels. I haven't listened to that song in years. I think I first saw the music video on one of those VH1 80's hits shows. It really brings me back to my childhood. Although, there's definitely more meaning to it for me now. Anyways, that was an awesome song. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. Hi Andrew,

    I think it is awesome that you are into 80's music. I absolutely LOVE 80's rock. Steven Tyler secretly has my heart for forever. My parents always listened to it growing up, so I naturally got into it. Thank you for sharing and exposing us to some awesome 80's music. I really appreciate it and LOVE how people are still into the 80's in 2016!
