Friday, January 22, 2016

Famous Last Words: Week 1

This week was just an introduction week for the class, so I don't have as much to talk about as I'm sure I will in the coming semester. I feel my best writing in the past week has been my storytelling. While my classmates and I have spent a lot of time writing posts about ourselves, such as the introduction post, I believe that reading someones creative writing gives a larger insight into their personality. I enjoyed writing my own story, it has been a long time since I have done any creative writing. I also like how many of the stories I have read used the same inspiration as me ( the Tom Gauld map), it allowed me to see how different people used the same image to come up with wildly different stories. Speaking of the Tom Gauld map, I also liked how we were given a starting point for the assignment, finding a jumping off point is the hardest part of writing for me. Hopefully the amount of writing in this class will have a positive effect on my writing skills.

Outside of this class, I have enjoyed the beginning of my other classes. I have taken classes with many of my professors previously, so it is nice to be back in a familiar classroom environment. This semester is sure to be hard, but I am hopeful it turns out well. I have also enjoyed being back on campus, and seeing my roommates and friends again.

Sarkeys Energy Center, my main class building. Picture courtesy of the Integrated Core Characterization Center
I am excited for this class to continue, I am hoping that I have the opportunity to learn a lot about a culture that I don't know much about. I am also looking forward to getting to know some of my classmates, through reading and commenting on their work, and them doing the same to mine.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Andrew, I agree with you so much when you say that starting any writing assignment is the hardest part too. I think that is also why I chose to write my story over Tom Gauld's map. It really does give a great starting place for our imaginations to take over. I hope as we progress through this course we become even better writer's though!

