Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Growth Mindset: Don't be Fooled by First Impressions

Courtesy of Laura Gibbs
Epics of India is my first all online class, not just in college but in my entire education. I really wasn't sure how I felt about taking an online class, but getting to have no scheduled classes on Fridays was an opportunity too good to pass up. What I am enjoying most about having an online class is that I can work at my own pace if I want to work ahead, but there are also deadlines to keep me focused on the class, and avoid having to do it all in one week at the end of the semester. 

I also wasn't sure how I would like a class that was mostly focused on writing. I have never been very comfortable with expressing myself through writing. So, throughout the first week I was having trouble really diving into the class. But, I can already feel my skills and confidence in my own writing improving. So, I guess it's true, don't be fooled by first impressions. 

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